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Page bundles

Use page bundles to logically associate one or more resources with content.


A page bundle is a directory that encapsulates both content and associated resources.

By way of example, this site has an “about” page and a “privacy” page:

├── about/
│   ├──
│   └── welcome.jpg

The “about” page is a page bundle. It logically associates a resource with content by bundling them together. Resources within a page bundle are page resources, accessible with the Resources method on the Page object.

Page bundles are either leaf bundles or branch bundles.

leaf bundle
A leaf bundle is a directory that contains an file and zero or more resources. Analogous to a physical leaf, a leaf bundle is at the end of a branch. It has no descendants.
branch bundle
A branch bundle is a directory that contains an file and zero or more resources. Analogous to a physical branch, a branch bundle may have descendants including leaf bundles and other branch bundles. Top-level directories with or without files are also branch bundles. This includes the home page.

In the definitions above and the examples below, the extension of the index file depends on the content format. For example, use for Markdown content, index.html for HTML content, index.adoc for AsciiDoc content, etc.


Page bundle characteristics vary by bundle type.

Leaf bundleBranch bundle
Page kindspagehome, section, taxonomy, or term
Template typessinglehome, section, taxonomy, or term
Descendant pagesNoneZero or more
Resource locationAdjacent to the index file or in a nested subdirectorySame as a leaf bundles, but excludes descendant bundles
Resource typespage, image, video, etc.all but page

Files with resource type page include content written in Markdown, HTML, AsciiDoc, Pandoc, reStructuredText, and Emacs Org Mode. In a leaf bundle, excluding the index file, these files are only accessible as page resources. In a branch bundle, these files are only accessible as content pages.

Leaf bundles

A leaf bundle is a directory that contains an file and zero or more resources. Analogous to a physical leaf, a leaf bundle is at the end of a branch. It has no descendants.

├── about
│   └──
├── posts
│   ├── my-post
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── image-1.jpg
│   │   ├── image-2.png
│   │   └──
│   └── my-other-post
│       └──
└── another-section
    └── not-a-leaf-bundle
        └── another-leaf-bundle

There are four leaf bundles in the example above:

This leaf bundle does not contain any page resources.
This leaf bundle contains an index file, two resources of resource type page, and two resources of resource type image.
  • content-1, content-2

    These are resources of resource type page, accessible via the Resources method on the Page object. Hugo will not render these as individual pages.

  • image-1, image-2

    These are resources of resource type image, accessible via the Resources method on the Page object

This leaf bundle does not contain any page resources.
This leaf bundle does not contain any page resources.

Create leaf bundles at any depth within the content directory, but a leaf bundle may not contain another bundle. Leaf bundles do not have descendants.

Branch bundles

A branch bundle is a directory that contains an file and zero or more resources. Analogous to a physical branch, a branch bundle may have descendants including leaf bundles and other branch bundles. Top-level directories with or without files are also branch bundles. This includes the home page.

├── branch-bundle-1/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── image-1.jpg
│   └── image-2.png
├── branch-bundle-2/
│   ├── a-leaf-bundle/
│   │   └──
│   └──

There are three branch bundles in the example above:

home page
This branch bundle contains an index file, two descendant branch bundles, and no resources.
This branch bundle contains an index file, two resources of resource type page, and two resources of resource type image.
This branch bundle contains an index file and a leaf bundle.

Create branch bundles at any depth within the content directory. Branch bundles may have descendants.

Headless bundles

Use build options in front matter to create an unpublished leaf or branch bundle whose content and resources you can include in other pages.