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Executes the given template and caches the result, optionally passing context. If the partial template contains a return statement, returns the given value, else returns the rendered output.


partials.IncludeCached LAYOUT CONTEXT [VARIANT...]





Without a return statement, the partialCached function returns a string of type template.HTML. With a return statement, the partialCached function can return any data type.

The partialCached function can offer significant performance gains for complex templates that don’t need to be re-rendered on every invocation.

Each Site (or language) has its own partialCached cache, so each site will execute a partial once.

Hugo renders pages in parallel, and will render the partial more than once with concurrent calls to the partialCached function. After Hugo caches the rendered partial, new pages entering the build pipeline will use the cached result.

Here is the simplest usage:

{{ partialCached "footer.html" . }}

Pass additional arguments to partialCached to create variants of the cached partial. For example, if you have a complex partial that should be identical when rendered for pages within the same section, use a variant based on section so that the partial is only rendered once per section:

{{ partialCached "footer.html" . .Section }}

Pass additional arguments, of any data type, as needed to create unique variants:

{{ partialCached "footer.html" . .Params.province }}

The variant arguments are not available to the underlying partial template; they are only used to create unique cache keys.

To return a value from a partial template, it must contain only one return statement, placed at the end of the template:

{{ $result := "" }}
{{ if math.ModBool . 2 }}
  {{ $result = "even" }}
{{ else }}
  {{ $result = "odd" }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $result }}

See details.