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Directory structure

An overview of Hugo’s directory structure.

Each Hugo project is a directory, with subdirectories that contribute to the content, structure, behavior, and presentation of your site.

Site skeleton

Hugo generates a project skeleton when you create a new site. For example, this command:

hugo new site my-site

Creates this directory structure:

├── archetypes/
│   └──
├── assets/
├── content/
├── data/
├── i18n/
├── layouts/
├── static/
├── themes/
└── hugo.toml         <-- site configuration

Depending on requirements, you may wish to organize your site configuration into subdirectories:

├── archetypes/
│   └──
├── assets/
├── config/           <-- site configuration
│   └── _default/
│       └── hugo.toml
├── content/
├── data/
├── i18n/
├── layouts/
├── static/
└── themes/

When you build your site, Hugo creates a public directory, and typically a resources directory as well:

├── archetypes/
│   └──
├── assets/
├── config/       
│   └── _default/
│       └── hugo.toml
├── content/
├── data/
├── i18n/
├── layouts/
├── public/       <-- created when you build your site
├── resources/    <-- created when you build your site
├── static/
└── themes/


Each of the subdirectories contributes to the content, structure, behavior, or presentation of your site.

The archetypes directory contains templates for new content. See details.
The assets directory contains global resources typically passed through an asset pipeline. This includes resources such as images, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, and TypeScript. See details.
The config directory contains your site configuration, possibly split into multiple subdirectories and files. For projects with minimal configuration or projects that do not need to behave differently in different environments, a single configuration file named hugo.toml in the root of the project is sufficient. See details.
The content directory contains the markup files (typically Markdown) and page resources that comprise the content of your site. See details.
The data directory contains data files (JSON, TOML, YAML, or XML) that augment content, configuration, localization, and navigation. See details.
The i18n directory contains translation tables for multilingual sites. See details.
The layouts directory contains templates to transform content, data, and resources into a complete website. See details.
The public directory contains the published website, generated when you run the hugo or hugo server commands. Hugo recreates this directory and its content as needed. See details.
The resources directory contains cached output from Hugo’s asset pipelines, generated when you run the hugo or hugo server commands. By default this cache directory includes CSS and images. Hugo recreates this directory and its content as needed.
The static directory contains files that will be copied to the public directory when you build your site. For example: favicon.ico, robots.txt, and files that verify site ownership. Before the introduction of page bundles and asset pipelines, the static directory was also used for images, CSS, and JavaScript.
The themes directory contains one or more themes, each in its own subdirectory.

Union file system

Hugo creates a union file system, allowing you to mount two or more directories to the same location. For example, let’s say your home directory contains a Hugo project in one directory, and shared content in another:

└── user/
    ├── my-site/            
    │   ├── content/
    │   │   ├── books/
    │   │   │   ├──
    │   │   │   ├──
    │   │   │   └──
    │   │   └──
    │   ├── themes/
    │   │   └── my-theme/
    │   └── hugo.toml
    └── shared-content/     
        └── films/

You can include the shared content when you build your site using mounts. In your site configuration:

  - source: content
    target: content
  - source: /home/user/shared-content
    target: content
    source = 'content'
    target = 'content'
    source = '/home/user/shared-content'
    target = 'content'
   "module": {
      "mounts": [
            "source": "content",
            "target": "content"
            "source": "/home/user/shared-content",
            "target": "content"

When you overlay one directory on top of another, you must mount both directories.

Hugo does not follow symbolic links. If you need the functionality provided by symbolic links, use Hugo’s union file system instead.

After mounting, the union file system has this structure:

└── user/
    └── my-site/
        ├── content/
        │   ├── books/
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   └──
        │   ├── films/
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   ├──
        │   │   └──
        │   └──
        ├── themes/
        │   └── my-theme/
        └── hugo.toml

When two or more files have the same path, the order of precedence follows the order of the mounts. For example, if the shared content directory contains books/, it will be ignored because the project’s content directory was mounted first.

You can mount directories to archetypes, assets, content, data, i18n, layouts, and static. See details.

You can also mount directories from Git repositories using Hugo Modules. See details.

Theme skeleton

Hugo generates a functional theme skeleton when you create a new theme. For example, this command:

hugo new theme my-theme

Creates this directory structure (subdirectories not shown):

├── archetypes/
├── assets/
├── content/
├── data/
├── i18n/
├── layouts/
├── static/
├── hugo.toml
└── theme.toml

Using the union file system described above, Hugo mounts each of these directories to the corresponding location in the project. When two files have the same path, the file in the project directory takes precedence. This allows you, for example, to override a theme’s template by placing a copy in the same location within the project directory.

If you are simultaneously using components from two or more themes or modules, and there’s a path collision, the first mount takes precedence.